
This policy addresses the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”), which is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in federally funded education programs and activities. 第九条规定如下: 

No person in the United States shall, 以性别为基础, be excluded from participation in, 被剥夺…的利益, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

Discrimination 以性别为基础 (i.e., sex discrimination) includes sexual harassment, sexual assault and sexual misconduct. Title IX prohibits sex discrimination in both educational and 就业 settings.


It is the policy of the University to provide an educational, 就业, and business environment free of all forms of sex discrimination, including but not limited to unwelcome sexual advances, 性要求, and other verbal or physical conduct or communications constituting sexual harassment, as defined in this policy and as otherwise prohibited by state and federal statutes. 性骚扰, including acts of sexual assault and sexual misconduct, is a form of sex discrimination and is prohibited at the University. The sexual harassment of University students, 教师, and staff by non‐University employees and guests doing business or providing services on campus (e.g., contractors and vendors) also is prohibited by this policy. This policy applies to all students, employees and to other members of the 体育博彩 Community including contractors, 咨询顾问, and vendors doing business or providing services to the University.

Alleged or Suspected Violations of this Policy

Waldorf is committed to investigating all possible violations of this policy about which the school knows or reasonably should know (also referred to in this policy as “alleged violations of this policy”), regardless of whether a complaint alleging a violation of this policy has been filed and regardless of where the conduct at issue occurred. The University’s ability to investigate in a particular situation, or the extent of the investigation in any given situation, may be affected by any number of factors, including whether the complainant is willing to file a complaint or to consent to an investigation, the location where the alleged or suspected conduct occurred, and the University’s access to information relevant to the alleged or suspected violation of this policy. The University is nonetheless committed to investigating all alleged and suspected violations of this policy to the fullest extent possible under the 体育博彩 Title IX – Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures.


体育博彩 reserves the right to hold its students and employees accountable for acts of sexual misconduct.  The jurisdiction of sexual misconduct includes all 体育博彩 property, as well as any location of any college-sponsored event that takes place off campus (i.e. athletic event, concert tour, special trip, conference, alumni gathering, retreat or excursion).  The jurisdiction of this policy also includes any conduct between students/employees or guests that occurs off campus which is deemed to have a negative impact on the person or campus in situations where the student or employee may formally or informally represent the university.  

Waldorf reserves the right to pursue adjudication of an incident of misconduct apart from, 独立于, any legal recourse a student or employee might choose.  一个学生, employee or guest who decides against filing a criminal complaint does not relinquish the right to an institutional investigation.  Sanctions or consequences imposed by the University to an employee or student are not predicated upon or limited to those which might be administered through a court of law, nor does it initiate involvement in legal proceedings against a member of the community.  Membership in the Waldorf community does exempt anyone from local, 州或联邦法律, but rather imposes the additional obligation to abide by all of Waldorf’s policies.

请查看完整的 第九条政策(pdf).

Title IX trainings: 5/12/20; 6/24/20;7/10/20; 7/17/20; 7/24/20; 7/31/20; 8/7/20; 8/14/20; 8/28/20; 9/20/2020; 10/13/2021; Fall 2021; Fall 2021; 8/1/2021; 8/1/2021; 8/1/2021; 9/1/2021; 11/1/2021; 4/4-4/8/2022; 5/1/2022; Fall 2022; 11/15/2022; Fall 2022; 9/1/2022; 8/1/2022-present; 8/1/2022; 8/1/2022; 9/22/2022; 10/17/2022; 10/27/2022; 2/2/2023; 3/1/3023; 6/1/2023; 6/1/2023; 8/1/2023; 8/8/2023; 8/1/2023; 9/7/2023; Fall 2023; Fall 2023; 12/1/2023