校园威胁的形式多种多样,包括那些影响我们健康的威胁. For that reason, 体育博彩采取了一系列的政策和程序,以确保我们的学生, faculty and staff are prepared should this type of situation arise. Please review and become familiar with the following information:

All Medical Emergencies Dial: 9.911

Bloodborne Pathogens

血源性病原体是可能通过血液和体液接触传播的致病微生物. 值得关注的血源性病原体包括(但不限于)乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)和人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)。.

如果你接触过他人的血液或体液, you should follow the procedure below:

Immediately wash as follows:

  • Cuts, needle sticks or other skin penetrations with soap and water.
  • Flush splashes to the nose, mouth, or skin with water. Irrigate eyes with clean water, saline, or sterile irrigants.
  • While washing exposed area, 尽量避免将潜在的血源性病原体传播到周围地区.
  • 洗完后,立即联系学生健康服务办公室(分机. 8157)或疾病中心(CD)寻求帮助和协助.
  • Seek medical treatment as advised.


体育博彩有符合OSHA要求的血源性病原体暴露控制计划. 接触控制计划可在商务办公室/人力资源和学生健康服务办公室获得.

Medical Emergencies


  • 叫9.911 并告知他们你的位置和受害者的疾病/伤害的性质. 派人在大楼入口门口等着,引导急救人员到达受害者的位置.
  • 除非接受过紧急急救程序和心肺复苏术的培训,否则不要试图进行任何急救 before trained assistance arrives. Notify Building Management.
  • Do not attempt to move the person who has fallen.
  • Comfort the victim and reassure them that medical assistance is on the way.
  • Be aware of hazards associated with Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP). Do not come into contact with bodily fluids.
  • After the victim’s immediate needs have been taken care of, 继续协助安全/医疗部门提供有关事件的相关信息.
  • 任何可能接触过传染性物质的人员都应尽快就医,以便进行后续治疗.

Latex Allergy Policy

  • Use of latex gloves should be minimized when possible on campus
  • Use/display of latex balloons is prohibited on campus
  • 人力资源和学生生活部将每年向学生/员工提供有关乳胶过敏的教育材料(学生手册/员工手册),如有需要,学生健康服务部将提供帮助
  • If necessary, 员工将被告知与对乳胶敏感或过敏的学生一起工作时适当的皮肤保护技术.
  • 工作人员应该意识到并帮助识别校园中含有乳胶的现有物品,这些物品可能需要消除或张贴警告标签
  • As existing equipment is replaced, non-latex equipment should be considered when purchased, if available. If non-latex materials are not available, 皮肤接触预防措施将用于任何对乳胶过敏或敏感的人.
  • 人力资源和学生生活部门将共同努力,确定和教育可能使用乳胶的部门:
    • Biology/Chemistry labs
    • Athletic Department
    • Athletic Trainer
    • Wellness Center
    • Waldorf University 书店
    • Food Service
    • 设施
    • Student Health Services
  • 人力资源部将在每学年开始时联系为华德福提供乳胶政策服务的社区机构,例如:
    • Bill’s Family Foods
    • Courtyard Gardens
    • Winnebago Public Health (on campus for flu shots or screenings)
    • Blood Center of Iowa (on campus for blood drive)
  • 需要使用乳胶产品的部门应与成分进行相应的沟通,并根据需要标记或张贴关于乳胶使用和过敏敏感性的警告

Family Doctor has more information on latex sensitivity.

Latex awareness introduction

In recent years, 越来越多的人对乳胶产品产生了敏感性或过敏. 目前,体育博彩的学生、教职员工和住客都对乳胶过敏. 华德福认识到这一主要的健康问题,并概述了一项新的政策,以减少我们的社区暴露于乳胶过敏的担忧.

What is latex?

Natural rubber latex comes from a liquid in tropical rubber trees. 这种液体被加工成以下许多橡胶制品,在家庭和工作中使用:

  • 气球
  • 橡胶玩具
  • Pacifiers and baby-bottle nipples
  • Rubber bands & 避孕套
  • Adhesive tape and bandages
  • Diapers and sanitary pads

What is latex allergy?

薄, 手套和气球中的弹性乳胶橡胶富含这种蛋白质,会引起一些人的过敏反应. 它比硬橡胶制品(如轮胎)更容易引起过敏反应。. 也, because some latex gloves are coated with cornstarch powder, 当脱下手套或气球破裂时,乳胶蛋白颗粒粘在玉米淀粉上,飞到空中. In places where gloves are being put on and removed frequently, the air may contain many latex particles.

What are the symptoms of latex allergy?

乳胶过敏可能是由于皮肤接触或吸入多次接触天然胶乳中的蛋白质而引起的. 反应通常在接触乳胶的几分钟内开始,但也可能在几小时后发生. Exposure to latex produces a variety of symptoms, including skin rash and inflammation, respiratory irritation, 哮喘, 咳嗽, 荨麻疹, watery eyes and in rare cases anaphylactic shock.

乳胶制品最常见的反应和发展的特点是干燥, 痒, irritated areas on the skin, usually the hands. This reaction is caused by skin irritations from using gloves, powder in the gloves, 乳胶气球和可能接触到其他工作场所产品和化学品. 用于内衬一次性手套和气球的粉末会吸收乳胶蛋白,然后在空气中传播,导致没有戴手套或接触气球而只是吸入含有乳胶的灰尘的人发生哮喘反应.

最严重的反应通常在接触乳胶几分钟内开始, but can occur hours later with a variety of symptoms. 很少, anaphylactic shock may occur; but a life-threatening reaction is seldom the first sign of latex allergy.

Latex allergy can be mild or severe, with symptoms such as:

  • Itchy, red, watery eyes
  • Sneezing or runny nose
  • 咳嗽
  • Rash or 荨麻疹
  • Chest tightness and shortness of breath
  • 冲击

Who is at risk for latex allergy?

People also at risk are those who have had many operations, especially in childhood, and people with spin bifida and urologic abnormalities. Latex products are everywhere. Anyone can become allergic to latex.

研究表明,1-6%的普通人群对乳胶敏感. 一小部分人群被列为乳胶致敏风险较高的人群.

At risk individuals include:

  • 有多种过敏情况的人,包括食物过敏,
  • persons with Spina Bifida or other neural tube defects,
  • persons who have undergone multiple surgical procedures,
  • persons requiring multiple bladder catheterizations.

Important 电话 Numbers

设施 Services Office

106 South Sixth Street
Forest City, IA 50436

电话: 641-585-8173

Emergency 寻呼机: 1-800-365-7789


Switchboard On-Campus:拨0

Switchboard Off-Campus:拨打 585-2450